Saturday, March 15, 2008

Thing #19 Pick a Pack a Podcasting

I was introduced to podcasts last summer and was instantly hooked. I think I have subscriptions to about 30 right now and have loaded a few random episodes of others as well. I don't even want to think about how many hours I have to listen to. I'll never catch up but hate to delete any, just in case! It's cyber-packratting?

I subscribe to Grammar Girl, Stash and Burn, They Might Be Giants, and a bunch of literary ones. The best literary one would have to be Disney's Last Minute Book Reports. HILARIOUS! I used one podcast to play Romeo and Juliet for my class. I burned each scene separately on a CD which was really handy to lend to students who had been absent.

I have also taught some students how to make simple podcasts using Garageband - one program that wasn't listed on 23 Things. It's so simple, even my kids can do it. I also have used G Cast, which is very simple and only requires a phone.

I am helping our German teacher to create a walking tour of Germany podcast her students load onto their MP3 players before they take their trip to Germany this summer. Plus, I told her they can use G Cast to record their reactions throughout the trip.

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